Friday, June 17, 2011

Schismatics / bigots in Canada slammed shut

It is even more apparent in Canada that you cannot leave a church and take the property with you:

Schismatics ruled as thieves

I'm not sure what the bigots are trying to prove at this point. And yes I use the divisive term of bigot. I am a gay man so anytime people are trying to create division based on sexuality it comes down to tolerance and the denial of equal rights. It is like forcing someone into a corner and not giving them any other options. The option that is left is to come out fighting.

So yeah, bigots. Homophobes. Hatemongers. You are what you are. Don't try and dress it up behind some sort of sketchy theology or bullshit hate the sin but love the sinner. That is beyond condescending.

I don't have any choice but to come out fighting.

And I am glad the bigots in Canada have been shut down.

The bigots in the U.S.A. have for the most part been shut down. Case after case is going against the hatemongers.

Learn from it. You are going to lose, and usually in monumental fashion.

Love wins out, hate never wins.

You can leave on hate, but you can't take the keys.

Godspeed. And I mean that. To each their own path, but don't try and steal on the way.

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