Sunday, June 15, 2008

My niece

So today I went to my parents, to visit for Father's Day and also to see my sister and her daughter who just recently moved back to Kentucky from Florida.
Besides it being kind of hot, and me (and everyone else it seems) being tired, it was fun. My niece probably interacted with me more than ever (she's just two years old).
She has so much character now and didn't take long to warm up to me. That is a big deal considering we have hardly ever seen each other. Just a few times and not for very long each time.

Friday, June 13, 2008


What is it about Obama that scares some people?

Is it race? His name? Assuming he's muslim (which is completely false)?

Obama is a fervent supporter of the needy and impoverished, an advocate for the poor, a devout Christian and servant of the people.

Search the facts people.

Thursday, June 12, 2008


Kaiser looking out.