Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Turning over

So I have been watching "Eat, Pray, Love" the last couple of nights. My attention span being as short as it is these days, I have a hard time watching any movie over 90 minutes unless it just absolutely captures my attention. This movie hasn't done that but I do like it.
The basic premise is a woman who realizes her perfect life isn't for her and goes off into the world to find herself. I am way over generalizing here, but I don't feel like typing out the entire plot.
I of course am drawing similarities to my life. I by no means have a perfect life. I have a decent one, with an incredible support structure and plenty of good things going on to keep me well on all levels.
And yet I feel this call to go off into the world (well, I don't know if Columbus, OH counts as the world, but still, you get the idea).
The premise I am getting at is change. Uprooting the old. Looking for newness. To make some sort of sacrifice in order to effect something larger. As Paul says, breaking up the old, hardened earth in order to uncover the wet, fresh soil underneath. I've always loved that image.

And in these days it suits more than ever.

As I root on my Cats in the Final Four, as I continue to discern my way, may we all be open to newness and change.

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