Monday, March 14, 2011

My ex

So through all the madness of my life and what my future holds, I am now contending with my ex-partner.

After our bitter separation, we got on friendly terms quite fast. And now that I live in one of the apartment buildings he owns we have even more reason to interact, and of course sharing the dogs gives us a ton of reasons to see and spend time with one another. And I live just a few blocks from him. So, we have remained connected.

And tonight, after talking earlier in the evening I receive a message concerning my bathroom sink which needs a little work, and then another message that asked if I was lonely. It really hit me. My response tried to address it that yes, I was, but also tried to brush it off so it didn't seem like I was jumping on it.

My typical passive-aggressive self.

I don't have any idea what the future holds. I think (I hope?) my future holds him in it.

Sometimes my life just presents too much uncertainty. I don't know what to do or think some days.

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