Sunday, January 23, 2011

Another step

I met with the Commission on Ministry this weekend. It was originally meant to be an overnight retreat, but because of inclement weather was condensed to an all day affair at a local church. I felt much better about the revised format, no travel and less time being grilled. I can certainly get up and be on top of my game for an all day setting.

I think it went well, I actually enjoyed it a lot. Now, I don't really know how they received me nor do I have any idea of what sort of evaluation they will give the bishop. So my future is still very much up in the air and is completely out of my control at the moment. That is a stressful place to be, but also in some weird way, it can be very freeing. I am at the will of the winds as it where, so why worry over things I cannot control?

As I have more time I will write more about what this past weekend held. But for now I am content with a short entry.

All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of things shall be well.

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