Sunday, September 25, 2011

Figuring it out

I've spent quite a bit of time adjusting to life here. So what very little energy I ever devoted to writing on this blog has been non-existent. I'm surprised I managed even what I have so far.

But things are starting to hit what I was looking for, an equilibrium. Not perfection, just some idea of a balance, I know what is going on, what is expected and am starting to have an idea of what is required to accomplish those things.

The part I continue to wrestle with is the social and emotional aspect. As a man, an adult, having lived through the things I have, feel like I am very capable of being independent, living on my own etc.

But I find myself at times lonely, upset, whatever. It is just like being back in college, when I did my undergrad. Figuring out human relationships, how to make friends, how to find stuff to do, esp when I don't have much if any spare money to throw on dinner, clubs etc.

I am in the place I am supposed to be. I cannot imagine any other place I should be right now. This is it.

I just need to figure out how to make everything work. It will.

I trust in God, God called me so God will allow a path for me to figure it out.

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