Friday, August 26, 2011

Finally here

I am finally at seminary.

That deserves a deep breath from myself.

I am settling in, trying the best I can that is. Things are going well, esp considering this is my first weekend away from my old life and I am ok. A couple of glasses of wine helps. And eventually overcoming a case of walking pneumonia helps a whole lot as well. I haven't had any energy beyond existing for the last 2-3 weeks. Being able to do a workout tonight was a treat, something I hadn't been able to do and enjoy and not be completely wasted afterwards.

So things are moving in a very positive direction.

Orientation was very good, a little overwhelming as is to be expected, but I am glad that part is over. Now, regular life.

A life of prayer, formation, fellowship and of course classes, papers and everything else that comes with it.

I already miss my dogs. But I've made my peace with how things will move forward. Hopefully I can find a place where I can keep them. I'm not sure about that, but we'll see.

Having a completely new life can be quite consuming. It will take a bit of time but I am so excited, and honored, to be in this place studying to do God's work in the church.

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