Thursday, May 26, 2011

COE debating gay bishops.

So now, the you know what is starting to hit the fan, the Church of England apparently not only recognizes they have gay priests, but are in open (and very heated and angry) discussions about the possibility of gay bishops. But the thing is, they already have gay bishops!

I wonder where this sits with the hatemongers, homophobes and otherwise malcontents here in the US?

To be Anglican means to be in communion with the See of Canterbury. No ifs ands or buts. You can call yourself whatever you want. Doesn't make it true.

So the splinter groups who hate gay people (and have a good chance at being misogynistic as well) need to know, they aren't as close to being the "true Anglican presence in North America" as they had hoped.

I don't mean to gloat, well, maybe a little. But really, the point is, there are realities on the ground and the homophobes want to either disregard, ignore or just plain play pretend.

There are gay priests a plenty in the mother church. As well as other churches in the Anglican Communion.

The only churches that truly oppose gay priests and bishops are from areas that are either third world (and support imprisonment and sometimes execution of gay people, misogyny, multiple marriages, voodoo, stoning etc) like you see in most of Africa (South Africa being somewhat of an oasis), or are in socially and at times government oppressed environments (southeast Asia, India, etc).

There is a reason western thought has produced the embracing of human freedom and democracy. We love freedom but most especially the freedom to live our life as we feel God has made us and called us.

I pray for the church and for all its people.

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