Wednesday, August 25, 2010

In a whirlwind

I am in a whirlwind. I can't be allowed any space for tranquility. On one hand that is ok. It keeps things from getting boring. On the other hand it can involve some stress.

I am job searching like crazy. I honestly don't have any reasonable expectations for a decent job to come my way anytime soon.

And I have my discernment process. Very stressful I will say, at least in some ways. Very joyful in others. And it is this process that continues to save me.

If I didn't have this process to go through, as stressful and lifechanging as it can be, I'm not sure how I would emerge from this entire period of my life.

So, my calling is rescuing me again. I hope and pray it continues to lift me up out of the mire.

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