Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Digging up the past to move on

Tonight I have begun packing up my stuff to get ready to move. But not yet ready to move to seminary, but back into my ex's house. Just temporarily until the end of August when I make the final move out of town.

I know, it is weird. An odd situation. But, we have become friends and he is trying to help me out. Help keep me from paying some rent, and since I still have quite a bit of stuff still at his house, it will make it easier to sort through everything. I can go from one big pile instead of a couple of different ones. Easier to move and easier to make sure I get all of my stuff (finally) out of his place.

What a wild ride this has been. And the end is an example of the entire ride. Moving back in with my ex. Not to mention how much time we have been spending together. As friends mind you, but still. We both detect the old feelings, the love, the loss, the friendship, what we had, what we lost, what might have been. A tinge bittersweet no doubt. But all in all positive.

And that is a selfish view for me. I get to experience this and then leave and go off into the great unknown that will be seminary.

I admit there is a part of me that will always stay with my ex. And there is a part of me, deep down, that hopes more can come in the future.

That is getting way ahead of the game. My focus is obvious and needs to be crystal clear.

The next few weeks are building up to something big.

And I cannot wait.

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