Sunday, March 30, 2008

Tamiflu sucks

The folks came up to visit and to take me out to dinner this past Monday. It was great to see them and have a good meal down at Suggins.

The next morning though, I woke up around 2 am vomiting, I barely made it into the bathroom. I spent the next few hours being sick and debating whether or not to go into work. Around 8 am, after having showered and gotten ready I finally realized there wasn't a chance I was going to make it to work. I called in sick, although I made it in that afternoon for a little bit.

I was off Wednesday as well and although I went in Thursday, I was worthless. Friday I felt better but nowhere near 100%.

I went to my doctor on Thursday, he didn't think I had anything major. He offered to prescribe me Tamiflu just in case. I said sure, thinking I would take anything to be well once and for all.

Come to find out Tamiflu has major side effects. Nauseua, dizziness, vertigo etc. The upside is Tamiflu can cut short the flu by *one* day. Are all of those side effects worth the freakin *one* day? I don't really think so.

Tamiflu made me feel awful so I quit taking it. Since then I have felt better and better.

Who thought Tamiflu was a good idea?

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